The Pikhan Defense Force

Even creatures as inoffensive as Pikhans are not without the ravages of war, although internal wars have been extremely rare on Pikhandaru (excepting the war against nature). Pikhandaru has been a target of both pirates and neighbours in the past, and thus the PDF was formed.

The PDF is made up of three segments: Ground Forces, Aero Command, and Orbital Forces. Ground Forces carries out traditional land forces operation, Aero Command is responsible for operation from ground up to low orbital, and Orbital Command is responsible for all orbital and system defense. In addition, selected Pikhan are chosen for Imperial service. Pikhan serve 4 years in a selected branch with assignments varying annually. Pikhans are free to rotate from branch to branch, and are encouraged to do so. Pikhan begin service at age 17. The first year is spent in PDF training. Upon completion, the trooper has combat rifle - 1. The majority of this first year is spent getting the Pikhan to obey orders from unknown commanders.

Pikhan Defense Force:

Branch Assignment (4 years):
Ground Force
Aero Command
Orbital Command
Imperial service

Ground Forces: Infantry (1-2)
6+ 7+ 6+
4+ No 5+
3+ No 10+

Ground Forces: Support (3-4)
5+ 9+ 7+
3+ No 5+
3+ No 11+

Ground Forces:Technical (5)
5+ 11+ 7+
Auto No 5+
3+ No 10+

Ground Forces: Special (6)
Skill Roll
Leadership training
5+: leader, tactics, recon, admin
Armourer's training
4+: armourer, mechanical, electronics
Medic training
Medic - 2
Commando school
5+: blade cmbt., gun cmbt., survival, tactics, recon, stealth
Technical warfare school
4+: computer, commo, electronics, cryptography, robot ops.
Combat engineer's training
4+: vehicle, demo, mechanical, combat engineering

MOS Skills
Roll Ground Forces Life Infantry Support Technical
1 +1 END Gun cmbt. Hvy. wpn. Elec.
2 +1 DEX Gun cmbt. Mech Mech
3 +1 EDU Hvy. wpn. Vehicle Computer
4 Brawling Vehicle Fwd. obs. Commo
5 Gun cmbt. Recon Elec. Research
6 +1 INT Fwd. obs. Combat eng. Elec.
7 J-O-T Tactics Armourer Robot ops.
(+1 if 3 or more terms)

AeroCommand: Flight (1-2)*
Survival Decoration Skill
1-2 Air Combat 7+ 7+ 6+
3-4 Training 4+ no 6+
5-6 Ground Crew 3+ no 11+
* Must have gone to flight school, else support

AeroCommand: Support (3-4)
Survival Decoration Skill
1-2 Combat Aircrew 7+ 8+ 7+
3-4 Training 4+ no 6+
5-6 Ground Crew 3+ no 10+

AeroCommand: Technical (5)
Survival Decoration Skill
1 R&D 4+ 11+ 6+
2-4 Training Auto no 6+
5-6 Tech Sys Ops Auto no 9+

AeroCommand: Special (6)
1 Flight school. Aircraft - 1
2 Aero warfare training 4+: leader, aerotactics, FAL
3 Aero weapons training 4+: aeroarmorer, gunnery, sensor ops, ECM ops.
4 Aeroengineering 4+: A and P mech, mech, electrical, aerodynamics.
5 Technical warfare school 4+: computer, commo, ECM ops, robot ops
6 Search and rescue training 4+: med, survival, recon

MOS Skills
(+1 if 3 or more terms)

Aero Com. Life Flight Support Technical
1 +1 DEX Aircraft Gunnery Elec.
2 +1 INT Aircraft Sensor ops Computer
3 +2 EDU Aerotactics A and P mech Commo
4 Carousing FAC Elec. Mech
5 Elec. Gunnery Mech Research
6 Mech Sensor ops ECM ops Robot ops
7 J-O-T Leader Aeroarmourer Aero dynamics

Orbital Forces:
1 Flight Survival Decorations Skill
1 Anti-piracy 7+ 7+ 7+
2-3 Training 3+ No 6+
4-6 Patrol 5+ 10+ 9+

2-3 Deck Survival Decorations Skill
1 Anti-piracy 7+ 7+ 7+
2-3 Training 3+ No 6+
4-6 Patrol 5+ 10+ 9+

4 Engineering Survival Decorations Skill
1 Anti-piracy 8+ 7+ 7+
2-3 Training 4+ No 6+
4-6 Patrol 6+ 10+ 8+

5 Marine Survival Decorations Skill
1 Anti-piracy 8+ 6+ 7+
2-3 Training 4+ No 6+
4-5 Patrol 5+ 10+ 10+
6 Garrison 3+ No No

6 Special
1 Flight school. Pilot - 1. 5+: pilot, nav, computer.
2 Gunnery training. 4+: gunnery, computer, sensor ops.
3 Protected forces. 4+: vacc suit, zero-g.
4 Engineering training. 4+: engineering, gravitics, mech, elec.
5 Tactical training. 4+: ships tactics, leader.
6 Marine training. 5+: gun cmbt., tactics, zero-g, armourer, demo.

MOS Skills
(+1 if 3 or more terms)

Shipboard Life Flight Deck Engineering
1 +1 DEX Pilot Gunnery Engineer
2 +1 INT Pilot Gunnery Engineer
3 +1 EDU Nav Computer Elec.
4 Vacc suit Nav Sensor ops Mech
5 Zero-g Computer Elec. Mech
6 Vacc suit Computer Mech Elec.
7 J-O-T Leader Admin Gravitics

Marine Life Marine
1 +1 STR Gun cmbt.
2 +1 END Gun cmbt.
3 +1 DEX Tactics
4 Brawling F.O.
5 Carousing Blade
6 Gun cmbt. Vehicle
7 Ship's boat Leader

Imperial Service

The character has been selected for duty in the Imperial army or navy (D6: 1-4 navy, 5-6 army). Pikhans will tend toward the technical side of the service, and will usually opt for engineering or support, but there are always exceptions.
At the conclusion of 4 years of Imperial service, the character may opt to re-enlist. Roll 2d6:
2, 3 The character musters out immediately.
4, 5 The character is returned to the PDF.
6-10 The character may reup or return to the PDF.
11, 12 The character must reup in Imperial service.

Note: Pikhans may trade one cash roll on the mustering out table (Imperial service) for one level of independence, so they know what to do with the stuff.

Mustering out

1 roll per term + one roll.

1 +1 INT
2 +2 EDU
3 Blade
4 Gun
5 Tools
6 Multi-suit
7 Vehicle
8 High passage
9 Independence
10 1,000 cr.

+1 per term served.