Issue Number 1
The Foundation for Social Assistance
Corina Ling-Raleigh announces the incorporation of the Foundation for Social Assistance on Regina. Ling-Raleigh stated that the Foundation is merely an extension of charitable works which she has been engaged in previously, particularly since the catastrophic meteor strike on Regina. She stated that her recent brush with death has brought a new sense of how transitory life can be. "I can't pass up the chance to make a positive change in the people's lives. Too often government bureaucrats think in terms of programs. But the great ideas have simple names, like better bread, better housing, better food, and a better life. I want to do what I can to make those things happen for real people." The Statutes of Incorporation list the following objectives:
Any persons wishing to make application to the Foundation should go to the Foundation office on Regina Up Port, Level 3, between the hours of 10 a.m. and Noon, Monday through Friday.
The Foundation has announced it's first charitable grant of $50,000 cr and a furnished clinic office building on Regina Down Port, near the former Refugee areas, to Regina's "Doctors without Borders", administered by Anders Jorgenson.