The 'brain bugs', as one frightened witness described them, are fully sentient and aware, and are looking for new host bodies to take over and use for their own nefarious plans. Just exactly what these 'brain bugs' are doing on Regina, where they came from, and what they want is unknown. The Tattler staff gives Corina credit for knowing when to contact the experts, even though her office denies any knowledge of this expedition. But we, on the other hand, believe in giving fair warning to the unsuspecting: Watch your backs, and don't forget to look up! At his childhood home on Traekener, the young daredevil climbed up to the roof of his house and attempted to hurl himself into an adjoining yard, perhaps anticipating his stuntwork in "Return to Spider Island". His leap fell short and he landed on a sharp fence post. It narrowly missed piercing his lower intestine -- which would have been fatal -- and penetrated his groin. Ouch!! The good news for fans of Dirk Salamander: Although he lost blood, Dirk held on to the family jewels. Insiders wonder if this could mean bye-bye for one of the series' regular cast members, especially in view of the reports of fights between some of the veteran cast members and the new blood added last year. Could mean 'new blood' in the water when the cast heads to Jenghe over the next few weeks to begin filming.
Volume 1977 Issue Number 22
Alien 'Brain Bugs' Loose on Up Port!
Authorities Deny Authorising Hunt
The Tattler has learned of a new and terrifying danger for the residents and visitors of Regina Up - alien beings in the form of ambulatory brains are running around loose on the Up Port! These creatres are made up of alien brains encased in a cylindrical container, that can sprout multiple legs and move around of their own volition.
Apparently though, the Regina authorities are taking no chances, and have set up bounties for the taking of these creatures by members of the Regina Hunt Club. By calling on local dangerous game hunters Peter Corbett-Bell, and his Pikhan counterpart, Stewart Pondoro Granger, the Duchess has definitely called in the 'big guns'.
Dirk Savage Nearly Lost the Family Jewels
Cast Changes for Jenghe Rescue?
In a Tattler exclusive, a cousin of the actor reveals the terrifying accident that almost killed Dirk Savage at age 10!
The entertainment rumor mill is going full bore today with speculation that there may be some cast changes in store for the popular tri-dee series Jenghe Rescue. It seems that the script for the season opener has been declared "Top Secret" by the brass, and everyone of the cast and crew members involved have been required to sign special non-disclosure agreements.