Pension: Same as standard additional service pension. Roll 1d6 x Cr1000/year
Merchant House Holdings: Stock/Bomd portfolios yielding annual value of 1d6 x cr1,000 dividends. May be sold for market value.
Space Lane Carrier Holdings: As per merchant holdings except yields 2d6 x Cr10,000.
Court Influence: Used as a DM on reaction rolls as allowed by the GM. May also be used as a DM when dispensing patronage or interacting with other nobles.
Ancestral Lands: Planetary holdings held by the character in perpetuity. Roll 3d6 x Cr10,000 for value. Land yields 10-60% of the value (1d6 x 10) annually and costs 10-60% for maintenance once every four years.
Immediate Inheritance: As per abcestral lands but the character immediately receives and additional 3d6 x Cr10,000 in immediately available cash.
Right of Free Passage: Free transportation on any registered Imperial vessel. High passage on any common carrier even to the exclusion of other passengers.
Cash Grant: Imperial largess for meritorious services rendered. 1d6 x Cr100,000
Estates: Accumulation of personal properties. Roll as per ancestral lands with a value of 2d6 x Cr100,000 and costing 10-60% for maintenance annually.
Right of Escort: Right of a personal bodyguard ( max. 1d6) armed in contravention of local law levels, excluding energy weapons.
Right to Bear Arms: Right to personal weapon in contravention of local law levels, excluding energy weapons at the GM's option.
Imperial Magistrate: The character has the power to dispense justice and issue pardons and stays for all crimes except treason. All rulings are subject to review and reversal.
Right of Immunity: Immunity from prosecution for all crimes except treason. The character may be expelled from the planet and declared persona non grata.